The Case for Press Releases: Top 3 Reasons to Put Out a Press Release

Marketing has many facets and strategies, but sometimes, a tried-and-true formula can still get good results. Kate and Abigail think of press releases as an important part of any marketing plan, and see a lot of value in well-crafted releases going to targeted audiences. But we wanted to hear from a business in the equine industry on how this method of communication can help. Abigail has worked with Kiser Arenas to write press releases and send to carefully crafted contact lists since before the Freelance Remuda Press Release Roundup was launched. As we’ve recently added this service within the Freelance Remuda, Abigail asked Kiser Arena’s business manager Gwen MacKenzie to share her thoughts on the benefits of writing a press release.


Freelance Remuda: When considering marketing for your company (or companies in agriculture in general), why is a press release an important part of your overall strategy? What are the benefits?

Gwen: For Kiser Arenas, a press release does the following:

1.        Highlights recent accomplishments, new strategic initiatives or expanding lines or arenas of business. 

2.        It also conveys a level of activity and momentum and energy.  

3.        Finally, a press release can be an excellent way to shine a spotlight on key customers of our business and allow us to share our success with them.


FR:  How does the contact list and dissemination of your release relate to the success of the release? 

Gwen: Obviously, the content of the press release must be relevant to the publication receiving the release.  For many publications, receiving a press release from a recognized industry professional like Abigail Boatwright increases the chances it will be reviewed and considered for publication.  We rely on Abigail to position our breaking news in a manner that is most receptive to the targeted publications.


FR:  What challenges do businesses face with wanting to create and disseminate press releases? 


·      The need to be timely in disseminating key information (before it becomes stale)

·      The time and energy to draft content and get photos

·      The competition against other companies with newsworthy press and selecting the amount of pr with other options such as social media, advertising sponsorship and other promotional opportunities.

Thank you so much, Gwen, for sharing your thoughts on crafting and releasing press releases.


Whether you have a business or are a freelancer, there are many perks to sending press releases out to share about your work. We’ve talked about press releases numerous times at the Freelance Remuda: 

MINISODE: Q&A from the AHP Media Conference

Special Episode Part 1: Build & Sustain your Freelance Business (from AHP)

Episode 28: Social Media Marketing with Jamie Samples

And of course, the launch of Freelance Remuda’s Press Release Roundup:

Abigail Boatwright