Episode 44: Behind the Images: The Photographer Episode
Welcome to Episode 44 of The Freelance Remuda. In this episode, Abigail and Kate talk about Kate’s recent trip to the Art of the Cowgirl and Abigail’s current book project. We also interviewed two photographers: rodeo photographer Christopher “Click” Thompson, and equine/wildlife/fine art photographer Phyllis Burchett. Our wonderful guests shared so much of their interesting experiences, as well as helpful education—we even took some notes—and we think you’ll want to do the same!
Segment 3: Abigail & Kate - 00:46
Click Thompson
Segment 2: Rodeo Photography with Christopher “Click” Thompson - 09:39
We have one of the coolest photographers in Rodeo with us today, Christopher Thompson. He's known as “Click” to many rodeo contestants and those that follow his social media. But this Virginia State University graduate didn't plan on becoming a Western photographer. He started out as a graphic designer. Click has shot for brands like American Hat Company and been the official photographer at the National Finals Steer Roping and the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. These days he lives in Decatur, Texas and travels to rodeo and western events around the country.
Click with his signature squash blossom
An exciting moment in the life of a rodeo photographer (referenced in the episode)
Phyllis Burchett
Segment 2: Passive Income and Education with Phyllis Burchett - 37:58
Phyllis Burchett is joining us today on the podcast and we're so happy to keep talking photography with her. Before she was bit by the photography bug, Phyllis was a horse trainer and breeding farm manager. Now she's traveled the world photographing horses and the bond between them and their people. A few years back, Phyllis took advantage of our Freelance Remuda single session website review and we so enjoyed working with her. Her business is amazing. She teaches workshops and clinics including one in Iceland and she really focuses on educating others. She shares her time with her blue heeler Kayley and her Quarter Horse mare Willow, and enjoys kayaking. She's living a nomadic lifestyle many of us love.
Phyllis with her best-selling fine art image with World Art Group
Cowgirls with Cameras: Phyllis with Cara Taylor Swift and Kim Beer
Photos by Phyllis Burchett
Cowgirls with Cameras and Podcast - https://cowgirlswithcameras.com/
The Business Animal Podcast (Kim and Cara) - https://thebusinessanimal.com/
Sign up for Phyllis’ weekly newsletter, for photography tips and tricks: https://phyllisburchettphoto.net/join-the-herd/
Events: https://phyllisburchettphoto.net/workshops/
Passive Income for Photographers Blog Post - https://phyllisburchettphoto.net/photography/passive-income-photographers/
Book Cover Agency - https://arcangel.com/
The Touched by a Horse® Equine Gestalt Coaching Method https://touchedbyahorse.com/
Phyllis Burchett website: phyllisburchettphoto.net